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Rehab Angels is here to help you find the right rehab facility for your needs. We connect people with the right rehabs so they can get the help they need. We believe that rehabilitation is a process that can help people get back on their feet and get back to living their lives. It's our goal to make sure that you have everything you need to make informed decisions about your rehab stay. Our website is designed to be easy to use, so that you don't have to spend time searching through pages of information or clicking on links in search of the information you need. You can easily find out what kinds of rehab options are available in your preferred area and what they include. You can even book a stay at one of our facilities directly from our site. All listings go through a thorough and ongoing vetting and review process by rehab professionals to ensure that they are registered and authorized facilities. So, you can rest assured that you will get only the best professional help on your journey to recovery.

Levels of care

There are many different levels of care within a rehab program, depending on where you are in your recovery journey. It's important to know what each level entails so that you can make the right choice. 

Detox (5 - 14 days)

Detoxification is generally the first stage of substance addiction recovery. It is a medically supervised withdrawal process that can last anywhere from five days to two weeks. This depends on your treatment center's protocol, which can vary from program to program depending on their philosophy and what they feel is most appropriate for their patients’ needs. Without proper medical supervision, detox can be extremely dangerous, so it is very important that it is done in a professional medical facility. It's also important to note that detox is not a cure for addiction; it simply provides the first step in the recovery process.

Residential (10 - 30 days)

Residential rehab settings are also known as "inpatient" care because patients live at the facility full-time during their treatment program. The staff members at these facilities have extensive training in addiction and substance abuse disorders, so they can provide 24-hour supervision and support. Many people choose to go to a residential program because they want more structure in their lives and around their recovery in general. Some rehabs offer residential detox centers in addition to residential rehab programs. Patents may choose to use these facilities before starting the rehab program. However, not all will have the option available, so patients who need it will have to do it at a separate facility. Regardless of where it is done, all facilities will require patients to be drug-free before starting the residential rehab part of the program.

Long term (30+ days)

Long-term residential treatment programs are a more intensive treatment option. They are designed to help people overcome their addiction and rebuild their lives. After completing residential treatment, some patients decide they are not yet ready, psychologically or socially, for life out on their own again. They might opt instead for long-term programs where they can continue receiving support from counselors who work specifically with those still recovering from addiction problems but also give them some freedom back in everyday life by helping them live independently again.

Explore available facilities

At Rehab Angels, our in-depth facility profiles offer you a clear understanding of each facility's services, amenities, and the specifics of their treatment programs so you can make an informed choice about the right facility for yourself or your loved one.

How It Works

We understand that finding the right rehab facility and processing all the administration that comes with it can be a challenge. That's why we've made the process as easy as possible.


Select Your Preferred Location 

Whether you are looking to check into a facility near your hometown, or you want to find a facility in a specific area, simply enter your preferred state or zip code. Rehab Angels will provide you with all the available rehab listings in that area for you to choose from.


Select a Facility and Your Preferred Dates

Browse through and compare the available rehab facilities to ensure you select the one suited to your needs. Then select your preferred date for check-in and the length of your stay.


Submit your Inquiry

You will then complete a form to provide the facility with all the necessary details and simply submit the inquiry.


Confirm Booking

The facility will then contact you to confirm their availability on your defined dates and complete the necessary payment and insurance details.